by scott | Feb 12, 2014 | News
If that wasn the case cheap bikinis, then either we have to find some other variable, or just say “well X gender is just better at doing this job than Y gender.”Seinfeld is right to bring on whoever he thinks is funny, but I would appreciate it if he...
by scott | Feb 8, 2014 | News
“I believed that by asking for his permission and getting it, I have done it in the most ethical way,” said Soeharyo. However, he insisted that TouchTen wanted to not just take the gameplay, but add value to it, through the secret messages and mean quips...
by scott | Feb 6, 2014 | News
In German it is much harder. The terms to say boyfriend girlfriend are literally just the word friend. It is generally understood that you don mean a boy/girlfriend if you mention a friend of the same gender as you, but to be sure, you can add mir (of mine) to the end...
by scott | Jan 30, 2014 | News
Clean after every use of course. Plus it has a convenient light plastic case to keep it clean. I would recommend this to any man.. The shaft of the toy is made from high quality silicone completely free of latex. Silicone has a 10/10 rating for safety. Since the toy...
by scott | Jan 29, 2014 | News
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by scott | Jan 27, 2014 | News
Hey! I think that you may have some other equally serious problems other than the eating disorder. I don’t mean to be controversial but it is highly unlikly due to the information you gave us about you body type that you have a serious eating disorder unless...